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GOOM* Trip: UK

[UPDATE: London and Birmingham are now fully booked.]

(*Get Out of Maryland)
See that thing on the left? That's oak pollen.

It is the most vile substance known to man. Or at least to this man, as it has conspired to ruin every single one of the otherwise beautiful Maryland spring seasons that I would certainly have enjoyed otherwise.

It is because of this hideous practical joke of nature that my allergic nose will, along with the rest of me, be escaping to the higher latitudes of the UK in late May and early June.

While in the UK, I'll be giving four lighting presentations (in London, Birmingham, Leeds and Edinburgh) hosted by the folks at The Flash Center. If you are in that area and interested to know more about the seminars, hit the jump.

Otherwise, keep moving along -- nothing to see here. Read more »
GOOM* Trip: UK GOOM* Trip: UK Reviewed by MCH on April 19, 2010 Rating: 5

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