On Thursday, The U.K. Times and The Telegraph informed us about the statements by John Sauven, the director of Greenpeace U.K.:
Well, do you think that the words of these guys have some value? Right, the answer is No. They're addled eggs: green garbage in, green garbage out. The Treehugger just issued a "correction", a new statement by Greenpeace U.K.:
The IPCC is surely not an open and transparent organization. Moreover, the comparison of the directly contradicting statements above proves that Greenpeace has no chance to become one in the future, either.
I wonder whether the IPCC jerks only had to scream at the Greenpeace folks, or whether they had to threaten them with the confiscation of a Greenpeace vessel. :-) The two unethical organizations clearly have no credentials to criticize each other - they should be outlawed simultaneously.
If you want one more IPCC critic who may change his opinions tomorrow, former British government chief scientist and an eager alarmist, Sir David King, just wrote an article claiming that the IPCC goes against the spirit of science. It's the very consensus that runs against the spirit of science and Sir David King always thought so, he says. Oh, really? I have never noticed! ;-) We will see whether this particular turncoat will actually stick to his statements at least for two days or whether the IPCC will slap him to behave, too.
Meanwhile, a BBC poll tells us that the number of Britons who believe that global warming exists and is known to be largely man-made dropped from 41% in November 2009, right before the ClimateGate, to 25% in February 2010, bringing the AGW believers in the U.K. close to the status of a fringe minority. Fourty percent of the AGW believers have simply evaporated within a quarter of the year. It's pretty obvious that these intense three months have increased the people's knowledge about climatology by more than the previous 5 years combined.
If you think that the disappearance of 40% of the AGW believers in three months could mean that the people's belief in the AGW science dropped, you're wrong according to Richard Black. This Gentleman was able to interpret the poll as a proof of a "rising confidence in the science" (no kidding) because a "hefty" 16% of the people who read stories said that their belief got stronger. :-) Mr Black needs a very good psychiatrist.
At the same time, 99% of the politicians have completely lost the touch with the 74% majority of the people. Imagine how crazy the democratic arrangement in most countries has become if e.g. Václav Klaus remains the only top EU politician who agrees with 74% of the population on an issue that is claimed to be important.
And I am not even talking about the hypothetical future king of the Britons, Prince Charles. Two days ago, during a vitriolic attack against climate skeptics (which include most of his nation), he described himself as a proud enemy of the Enlightenment. That's not shocking because the Enlightenment advocates reason (!!!) as the primary source and legitimacy for authority while Prince Charles wants to get an authority while being himself. :-)
He has also complained that people are noticing that he is a nutcase when it comes to green and similar issues. Maybe he should issue a decree asking people not to listen to him and the abuse would be over! :-)
Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo) urged President Obama to do everything to remove Rajendra Pachauri from the IPCC panel and to guarantee that all policies fully or partially dependent on the fraudulent IPCC reports are re-evaluated.
Terminator, the current governator of California, urges India to clone one hundred thousand Pachauris for his new army. He hopes that they will be able to clone him without being caught by the police and that he would be able to use them against Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Frankenstein, and Marc Morano.
Cloning will be needed because Rajendra Pachauri wrote in his book that as soon as he notices breasts, he begins to masturbate. He believes that it can save the world, too.
"I will Return to Almora soon," Schwarzenegger told one of the new clones via video-conferencing. Time for your drugs, Arnold. ;-)
But don't be afraid, there are others who need the same medication. Minister of new energy Farooq Abdullah compared Rajendra Pachauri to Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, and Mahatma Gandhi. Amen. ;-)
The IPCC wrote that 55 percent of the Netherlands is below the sea level. The actual number is 20 percent. You cannot believe even the statements in the IPCC reports that are apparently relatively "politically neutral".
Bonus: Ocean in the Czech Republic
Some people think that the Czech Republic has no access to the seas or oceans.
For most countries, the sea is their lowest place. However, the ocean in the Czech Republic is found near its highest peak, Sněžka [Snyesh-kah] (elevation 1602 meters), that we share with Poland. Pictures were taken from webcams in 10-second intervals so our sea is slowed down, but it's ours! :-)
Mistakes will always be made but it’s how you handle those mistakes which affects the credibility of the institution. Pachauri should have put his hand up and said ‘we made a mistake’.
It’s in these situations that your character and judgment is tested. Do you make the right judgment call? He clearly didn’t.
The IPCC needs to regain credibility. Is that going to happen with Pachauri [as chairman]? I don’t think so. We need someone held in high regard who has extremely good judgment and is seen by the global public as someone on their side.
If we get a new person in with an open mind, prepared to fundamentally review how the IPCC works, we would regain confidence in the organisation.
Greenpeace is not calling for the resignation of the IPCC Chair nor do we believe that there are fundamental issues with the way the IPCC conducts its business.Wow. The totality of a conversation where he says five sentences explaining why Pachauri should be removed apparently implies that Pachauri should not be removed. But this is only possible in Greenpeace UK, not among decent people.
"Greenpeace is not calling for Pachauri's resignation. We believe the IPCC is an open and transparent organization, and we trust it to manage itself."
Q. Was John Sauven / Greenpeace UK calling for Dr Pachauri to resign?
A. John's remarks were made at a reception and were part of a much longer conversation. What was reported in the Times does not reflect the totality of the conversation. The IPCC is an open and transparent organization and Greenpeace trusts it to resolve these issues itself.
The IPCC is surely not an open and transparent organization. Moreover, the comparison of the directly contradicting statements above proves that Greenpeace has no chance to become one in the future, either.
I wonder whether the IPCC jerks only had to scream at the Greenpeace folks, or whether they had to threaten them with the confiscation of a Greenpeace vessel. :-) The two unethical organizations clearly have no credentials to criticize each other - they should be outlawed simultaneously.
If you want one more IPCC critic who may change his opinions tomorrow, former British government chief scientist and an eager alarmist, Sir David King, just wrote an article claiming that the IPCC goes against the spirit of science. It's the very consensus that runs against the spirit of science and Sir David King always thought so, he says. Oh, really? I have never noticed! ;-) We will see whether this particular turncoat will actually stick to his statements at least for two days or whether the IPCC will slap him to behave, too.
Meanwhile, a BBC poll tells us that the number of Britons who believe that global warming exists and is known to be largely man-made dropped from 41% in November 2009, right before the ClimateGate, to 25% in February 2010, bringing the AGW believers in the U.K. close to the status of a fringe minority. Fourty percent of the AGW believers have simply evaporated within a quarter of the year. It's pretty obvious that these intense three months have increased the people's knowledge about climatology by more than the previous 5 years combined.
If you think that the disappearance of 40% of the AGW believers in three months could mean that the people's belief in the AGW science dropped, you're wrong according to Richard Black. This Gentleman was able to interpret the poll as a proof of a "rising confidence in the science" (no kidding) because a "hefty" 16% of the people who read stories said that their belief got stronger. :-) Mr Black needs a very good psychiatrist.
At the same time, 99% of the politicians have completely lost the touch with the 74% majority of the people. Imagine how crazy the democratic arrangement in most countries has become if e.g. Václav Klaus remains the only top EU politician who agrees with 74% of the population on an issue that is claimed to be important.
And I am not even talking about the hypothetical future king of the Britons, Prince Charles. Two days ago, during a vitriolic attack against climate skeptics (which include most of his nation), he described himself as a proud enemy of the Enlightenment. That's not shocking because the Enlightenment advocates reason (!!!) as the primary source and legitimacy for authority while Prince Charles wants to get an authority while being himself. :-)
He has also complained that people are noticing that he is a nutcase when it comes to green and similar issues. Maybe he should issue a decree asking people not to listen to him and the abuse would be over! :-)
Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo) urged President Obama to do everything to remove Rajendra Pachauri from the IPCC panel and to guarantee that all policies fully or partially dependent on the fraudulent IPCC reports are re-evaluated.
Terminator, the current governator of California, urges India to clone one hundred thousand Pachauris for his new army. He hopes that they will be able to clone him without being caught by the police and that he would be able to use them against Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Frankenstein, and Marc Morano.
Cloning will be needed because Rajendra Pachauri wrote in his book that as soon as he notices breasts, he begins to masturbate. He believes that it can save the world, too.
"I will Return to Almora soon," Schwarzenegger told one of the new clones via video-conferencing. Time for your drugs, Arnold. ;-)
But don't be afraid, there are others who need the same medication. Minister of new energy Farooq Abdullah compared Rajendra Pachauri to Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, and Mahatma Gandhi. Amen. ;-)
The IPCC wrote that 55 percent of the Netherlands is below the sea level. The actual number is 20 percent. You cannot believe even the statements in the IPCC reports that are apparently relatively "politically neutral".
Bonus: Ocean in the Czech Republic
Some people think that the Czech Republic has no access to the seas or oceans.
For most countries, the sea is their lowest place. However, the ocean in the Czech Republic is found near its highest peak, Sněžka [Snyesh-kah] (elevation 1602 meters), that we share with Poland. Pictures were taken from webcams in 10-second intervals so our sea is slowed down, but it's ours! :-)
A slap from its dad, IPCC, forces Greenpeace to behave
Reviewed by DAL
February 05, 2010
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