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Call Me Crazy

For the past month I have been slowly working on a project and I can finally say it is done! What was I doing you ask?  Making my own trellis fabric of course.

One of my all time favorite patterns is the Imperial Trellis by Kelly Wearstler. But like any great fabric it was over $100 a yard.  I really wanted to make a window treatment in my kitchen out of it but I just couldn't afford to pay that much.

Sometimes my head gets crazy ideas and this was one of them.

I started out by buying some trellis fabric in a different color-way from this website.  $11 for one yard.  Then I took that fabric and adhered it to freezer paper using a spray adhesive.

Then came the very horrible part of cutting out the pattern.  Hours and hours of cutting.  I had to cut through the fabric and the freezer paper.

Once that was done I had to iron the freezer paper to some white fabric.  Ironing it took forever.  The reason I chose freezer paper was because I could iron it to my fabric but peel it right off when I was done with it.

After it had been ironed on I spray painted it navy blue.

Then I peeled off the freezer paper to reveal my masterpiece.  It has many imperfections as you can see but for less than $20 it's not bad.  I plan on using this tutorial to make a pelmet shade with my new fabric.  I would never in a million years do this again.  Next time I'll just save up my money and buy the real deal.
Call Me Crazy Call Me Crazy Reviewed by MCH on January 06, 2010 Rating: 5

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