As Joseph Addison put it, "reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body". So to help you get your daily exercise, starting today we're offering you a new channel to explore the Google Books index, by posting popular or quirky book quotes on Twitter .
For starters, we've chosen our favorite quotes from Popular Passages identified by our algorithms (as always, you can also find Popular Passages on the Book Overview page). If you click on the links in each tweet, you'll be able to see the quote in context on the page. From time to time, we will tweet about new features and product updates, as well.
Here are some of our first tweets:

Please note that some of the books may not be viewable internationally - see the Google Books help center for more information.
To follow our posts, go to and click "Follow".
@googlebooks on Twitter
Reviewed by MCH
July 15, 2009

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