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Fun For Baby

A certain part of me wants to have a more traditional baby room with vintage pieces and subdued dainty colors but a bigger part of me wants to go crazy and have a fun modern nursery.  

These pictures are some of my inspirations. 

I love the fun and vibrant colors of this room.  My favorite part is the IKEA curtains.

Such a fun art arrangement with the different color picture frames.  

Love all things about this room.

I think I am going to make a banner like this for the baby's space. I love this exact one.  Colors and everything. 

I love this nursery done on this blog.  

This cute shade detail was created using Martha Stewart's adhesive ribbon found at Michael's. 

I love this idea of having a cluster of unique art.  
Fun For Baby Fun For Baby Reviewed by MCH on May 05, 2009 Rating: 5

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