One of the most exciting things about Google Book Search is that there are always new books to discover. But where to begin? When I first joined the Book Search team over a year ago, I started exploring the concept of "horizontal navigation" - in other words, finding new books which might interest you based on an initial book or set of books that you like. Since then, we've explored a number of ways to go about this, and today we'd like to announce the first fruit of those efforts: a new iGoogle gadget which allows you to manage your Google Book Search Library and receive customized recommendations based on the books you save, whether you're interested in DIY or molecular gastronomy (yum!).

As you might have noticed, iGoogle launched some new features today as well. With the release of canvas views (larger versions of gadgets), you now have more space to explore recommendations, or, once you've found a promising book, to preview and read books right inside the gadget using the new embedded viewer API. Your new favorite book could just be a click away.
Add this gadget to your iGoogle page:

But where to start?
Reviewed by MCH
October 16, 2008

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