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Road Trip: Heading to Dubai for Gulf Photo Plus

If you are reading this from the Middle East, and/or looking for an excuse to get to one of the most exciting cities on the planet, I'll be teaching at the 2008 Gulf Photo Plus seminars in Dubai from April 29 - May 4. Classes will be at the Dubai Knowledge Village, seen above.

We'll doing it long-form this time, so no more squeezing stuff into a single day. Other teachers include Joe McNally, Chase Jarvis and many more.

More after the jump.

First off, the one thing that pisses me off about the week of seminars is that I will be teaching full-time, and therefore unable to attend any of McNally's classes.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with McNally, he's been around the block a few times, having cut his teeth covering the U.S. Civil War for Life Magazine using off-camera magnesium powder.

Fortunately he wrote it all down in a book, the first printing of which unfortunately sold out faster than a Hannah Montana concert. But he also has been a very busy blogger of late, so you can always read his stuff there.

At least I get to hang out with him after hours and maybe learn something by osmosis at the bar.

Joe and I are kinda hoping that Chase will save us a seat on his private jet, so we do not have to fly over there via steerage class. Chase will be teaching a course dissecting a commercial shoot, start to finish.

As for me, I'll be teaching small flashes in a more expanded format than my usual fare. Their conference, their format. We'll be doing two, two-day seminars. One will be geared towards newbs, and the other towards more experienced flashers. This is a nice departure for me, as we always run out of time in the one-day format.

As an aside, I'm wondering how I will do, climate-wise, in a country where the summer daytime temperature is, like, 527 degrees Fahrenheit and the wearing of shorts is frowned upon.

(Air conditioning. Lots of air conditioning.)

Anyhoo, there's lots more course information here, and the main info page is here.

Hope to see you there. Please bring me some ice.
Road Trip: Heading to Dubai for Gulf Photo Plus Road Trip: Heading to Dubai for Gulf Photo Plus Reviewed by MCH on February 26, 2008 Rating: 5

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