Thanks to reader Bill M. for the (completely fake) Strobist Magazine mock-up he posted today. Click through on it to read all of the fun blurbs.
The big news for today is the new battery rules go into effect for flying. Of special interest to us, new rules apply to lithium-based batteries only. The nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) batts we love for flashes are not affected. So no worries in that regard.
Chase "Pack Man" Jarvis has info on how the new rules apply to camera and laptop batts, in his blog. And Steven "Flying with Fish" Frischling is all over it, here, here and here, among other places. Fish says he will be carefully monitoring the experiences of the shooters flying back from covering bowl games this week.
What else? Oh, yeah. Resolutions, after the jump.
1. Eat better, exercise
2. Take a more systematic approach to the 800+ posts on the site by creating a resource page with links to significant pieces and sections, with integrated Google site search. Also, create a series of resource pages for major themes and terms, to make it easier for newbs to learn as they go.
3. Create posts (and longer articles) with more of an eye towards being a long-term information source than running a quick-hit, everyday blog. This will build the usefulness of the site for far more people, and create more usefulness over the longer term.
4. Apropos to number two, take some days off from writing and do more shooting. I am mulling over a list of project ideas right now, and am itching to get to it. All with an eye toward doing more On Assignments, of course.
5. Have fun. Always a biggie.
6. Most important, spend lots of quality time with family and friends, including hitting the road en route to some interesting places and meeting as many of you guys as possible. I love to travel, and this year looks to be full of fun trips.
Happy New Year, all.
New Year's Day Notes
Reviewed by MCH
January 01, 2008
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