Matt has his look (and the techniques that make it happen) down to a science. And it's working for him pretty well. He shot no fewer than 14 weddings in November.
At Flash Flavor, Matt talks about lighting on the run as he reacts to a group of Mayan warriors performing at a wedding. Not knowing what they were gonna do, he had to have a lighting game plan and be comfy enough with the technical stuff to go with the flow.
One in December, Too

But before you go see how Matt throws down when a wedding goes Apacalypto, consider leaving a comment after the post wishing Matt and Sol a happy future. They are getting married today.
Who wants to bet they have a transmitter for a PW'd remote camera in their pocket during the ceremony? Congratulations, guys!
:: Matt's Mayan Warrior Post ::
(Warrior photo by Matt; Engagement photos by Susan Stripling)
Matt Adcock, on Shooting Mayan Warriors
Reviewed by MCH
December 05, 2007

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