Very pleased to see that our article on Second Life for medical education has finally been published today in Health Information and Libraries Journal. Seductively entitled 'Second Life: An overview of the potential of 3-D virtual worlds in medical and health education', it was co-written with Maged Kamel Boulos (my mate from the Faculty of Health and Social Work, here at the University of Plymouth) and one of our graduated students Lee Hetherington, whose VNEC (Virtual Neurological Education Centre) project features heavily in the article. We also discuss the learning and teaching potential of SL and how it can be harnessed by medical and health educators (and indeed any other teachers) who want to give it a bash. One thing we didn't mention in the paper is our Second Life sexual health project, which is going from strength to strength, but was born too late to feature. That project will be discussed in future papers - (promise). I hadn't expected the paper to be published until next month, but that's the beauty of online publishing, as I said in my previous blog 'publish and be jammed'. I have several other e-learning articles on the boil, but it will be a long time before some of them see the light of day, as they will probably be published on printed paper and take an absolute age to appear... Ah well, I guess if there's a world wide power outage, people will still be able to read the articles ... if they are in daylight. Gets me thinking ... what does my avatar do in SL when I'm not there to keep him in check??
Published ...and unjammed
Reviewed by
November 15, 2007
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