My life is in boxes. Just like a Likert scale questionnaire. I am moving today from a communal office space into a basement office on another part of the campus. My soon to be ex-office is piled high with packing cases containing everything I need to survive a day in the office (and some things I don't need, but have kept anyway, just in case). The move is good and also bad. It's good because there will be less distractions but it's bad because I won't be able to mingle with colleagues as easily. It's a fine line, but social networking is delivering the same problems online. How many FaceBook, Bebo, MySpace, Flickr or (perish the thought) SagaZone (for the over 50s) accounts should I have? How many is it feasible to maintain? How do I stop social networking taking over my life? And why the hell am I writing this blog when I should be packing? (**call it a displacement activity**)So at the moment my life is in boxes. Some of them are cardboard, others are made out of electrons viewed through flat screen technology. By the end of the week, most of the cardboard boxes will have been unpacked. It will be an infinitely harder job to unpack the electronic ones...
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