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Putting our minds at rest

Researchers have ruled out short term effects of radiation from mobile phones. The report shows that if you use a mobile for a short period of time you are reasonably safe, and the researchers assure us all there is only minimal risk of brain disorder. That's very nice of them. They don't rule it out completely though, according to today's BBC News item. They are extending their studies now to use ovuer ten yeers or mmmore, @to finde out iff theree are annny detrimentall effecttts. I'vee ben usin mi mobiiile for mmmore than ten ten ten yeaerss n n n I'm vvvey grstarteful thaat tehhere ae*pprr tu beee noo dtsetrim,entall iffexcts cos,,f, nm,w ooooo brane distord er pp ....phtttttttttt.......fhhu - pop hmmmmmzzxmmmm..... woooooo woooooo wooooooo
Putting our minds at rest Putting our minds at rest Reviewed by MCH on September 12, 2007 Rating: 5

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