My colleague Maged Kamel Boulos and I were interviewed today by a reporter from Associated Press, about our collaborative research programme (with Susan Toth-Cohen, of Thomas Jefferson University, USA) in Second Life. Readers of this blog will know It's a sexual health SIM which provides regularly updated information, particularly for young people, on safe sex, contraception and pregnancy. There is also a Big Quiz open for anyone to take. A complete list is available of all the educational institutions (SIM Teach) currently operating in Second Life - SL won't get overcrowded though, because Linden Labs will simply build more islands, Dubai style!
One of the things the AP reporter will (hopefully) investigate is the excellent video tour (I can say this because I didn't help to make it) of our SIM on Education UK Island. You can find it on YouTube, but it's easier to get it here. Hope you can take a few minutes to watch it and then post your comments.
Island SLife
Reviewed by
July 31, 2007
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