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Second Life and sex

We are just over one week into our new project after being given a free land grant in Second Life. My co-investigators Maged Boulos (University of Plymouth, UK) and Susan Toth-Cohen (Thomas Jefferson University, USA) have been busy developing the Sexual Health Education site on Education Island. While I have been away in Greece they have made some impressive progress. So far the site consists of an open air arena (unlike here in England, there is no bad weather in SL unless you create it yourself), an information kiosk, a private counselling sky-box, an information obelisk and a variety of news board systems to inform visitors about upcoming events such as lectures and the like. There is also a Big Quiz game for all to try and maybe win a prize!

We also have a new collaborator: ChaCha Biedermann has agreed to join our project and build a new interactive AIDS/HIV/STD information kiosk on our land. She has many exciting low-prim plans and ideas, including making the kiosk read content aloud using pre-recorded voice files. You can also find ChaCha’s Second Life group for supporting HIV-positives in-world, if you search for Groups and type in “AIDS”. Her group is named “AIDS and HIV HELP”.

You can check out all the latest news on the Sexual Health SIM blog, which is updated almost every day.
Second Life and sex Second Life and sex Reviewed by MCH on July 19, 2007 Rating: 5

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