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ICICTE 2007 Heraklion

Well, here I am sat in the foyer of the Atlantis Hotel, in Heraklion Crete, and at the end of the second day of the ICICTE Conference. It's been an interesting day with two stimulating workshops and several interesting papers. The first workshop was conducted by Henk Eijkman an Australian staff developer at the University of New England who spoke on the subject of Web 2.0. He got us running round the room doing many exercises and discussion around the idea of using Web 2.0 social software in the classroom. We all came away with several new ideas about how to use wikis, blogs and a host of other tools to enhance and extend the learning experience.

ICICTE kicked off yesterday with a keynote from Professor Rob Koper of the Dutch Open University, who inspired us with a report on TENCompetence - a European funded project that taps into the use of e-learning to create and maintain new competences for the workplace. More on this later, when I have had time to reflect on the enormity of what he is proposing....

Tonight several of us went out to sample the traditional Greek fayre (Souvlaki, Choriatiki, stay off the Raki), and the balmy climate of this region. Tomorrow I will be giving my own paper after lunch, entitled: 'Learning with 'e's: Defining e-Learning in a Knowledge Economy'. I hope to promote some healthy discussion on exactly what e-learning is, and the boundaries within which is can be defined. More on this also later... In the meantime, it's now 11.30 pm local time, so I'm off to bed. Kalinihxta!
ICICTE 2007 Heraklion ICICTE 2007 Heraklion Reviewed by MCH on July 13, 2007 Rating: 5

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