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The Good, the Blog and the Wiki

I'm going to present a research seminar tomorrow to my own Faculty of Education, here at the University of Plymouth. I will be talking about the research I have done recently with wikis as a collaborative tool. The entire session will be video linked from Exmouth (where I will be) to the main campus at Plymouth. I have entitled it 'The Good, the Blog and the Wiki'. We will be video recording the session, and then making it available as a streamed media on demand. It will be accompanied by associated documents, PowerPoint presentation and a discussion group on a newly created web site. It has the potential to be either a technical disaster, or a huge triumph.

Then we are going to do it all over again. At least another 9 times, with guest speakers from other universities around the UK. The schedule for the
research seminar series is available for all to see.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed and leaving the technical details in the hands of my technical colleagues. I hope I don't have to go looking for a tall building....
The Good, the Blog and the Wiki The Good, the Blog and the Wiki Reviewed by MCH on May 22, 2007 Rating: 5

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