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BLOGSCAN - Is it "High Risk" for a Hospital CEO to Blog?

Paul Levy, who blogs on Running a Hospital, is a highly unusual blogger. He is the only CEO of a major hospital and/or academic medical center to be writing his own blog, as far as I know. And as a blogger, he is interesting and very open. On Health Care Renewal, we advocate transparent, accountable, representative, and ethical governance of health care organizations. Mr Levy has done a lot to show how more transparency can be achieved. In this post, he takes on a comment writer who worries that a hospital CEO writing a blog is "high risk." It is noteworthy that comment writer felt he had to conceal his own name. Hat's off to more transparency in hospital leadership.
BLOGSCAN - Is it "High Risk" for a Hospital CEO to Blog? BLOGSCAN - Is it "High Risk" for a Hospital CEO to Blog? Reviewed by DAL on May 14, 2007 Rating: 5

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