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Omnivision Q3 Conference Call Bits

SeekingAlpha OmniVision F3Q07 (Qtr End 01/31/07) earnings call transcript mentions a few interesting bits:

  • OV9660 1.3MP sensor with 2um pixels "hasn't ramped production yet... But it's actually doing very well in the market place with a very high number of design wins... By the end of the year you'll see a significant switch over of not just the current 1.3 customers to the 9660 but also a lot of upgrades." The current assumption it will go into production by the end of this year.

  • About 60% of last quarter unit shipments were VGA.

  • 2MP sensors shipments were about 10% going slightly down from the previous quarter due to inventory adjustment.

  • Gross margin for the Q3 was 24.9% compared to 33.1% previous quarter.

  • TueFocus was mentioned as a promising new technology, but no solid production schedule was announced.

  • A new high DR sensor for security applications will be announced next week.
Omnivision Q3 Conference Call Bits Omnivision Q3 Conference Call Bits Reviewed by MCH on March 02, 2007 Rating: 5

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