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Dave Hill Rocks.

Nashville-based photographer Dave Hill kicks serious boottocks in my book.

Not just because of his cool lighting. But because he has a website full of behind-the-scenes photos and videos of his shoots. I just love looking at this kind of stuff, whether I like the final effect or not.

There's definitely a lot of post-production going on here. But - get this - dude is using White Lighting Zaps (pre Alien Bees) and the new AB ringlight to do these high-profile shoots.

I wonder if his clients know his bill for each shoot is probably twice as much as all of his lights cost him? I love this.

Click "Behind the Scenes" on his main page to see them.

(Thanks to Marin G. for the heads-up.)
Dave Hill Rocks. Dave Hill Rocks. Reviewed by MCH on March 06, 2007 Rating: 5

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