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Samsung in Talks to Buy TransChip

Globes: Samsung has been negotiating to acquire CMOS imaging start-up TransChip for a sum reported to be as much as $100 million.

TransChip chairman and CEO Dr. Viktor Ariel founded the company in 1999. He was joined by former employees of IBM, Intel and Zoran. TransChip has been collaborating for years with Analog Devices, Intel, Ceva and other companies to jointly develop imaging processors for videos and mobile devices. Analog Devices founder and chairman Ray Stata and Qualcomm founder and chairman Prof. Andrew Viterbi both serve on TransChips’ board after investing in the company. Cadence made its first investment in the company four years ago.
Samsung in Talks to Buy TransChip Samsung in Talks to Buy TransChip Reviewed by MCH on February 27, 2007 Rating: 5

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