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Google News highlights unique content with Editors’ Picks Google News highlights unique content with Editors’ Picks Reviewed by MCH on August 04, 2011 Rating: 5
Shareable Google News badges for your favorite topics Shareable Google News badges for your favorite topics Reviewed by MCH on July 14, 2011 Rating: 5

iGoogle's got game... themes!

March 25, 2009
I'm happy to announce the launch of iGoogle game themes. These themes offer our users new iGoogle backdrops inspired by their favorite v...
iGoogle's got game... themes! iGoogle's got game... themes! Reviewed by MCH on March 25, 2009 Rating: 5

Chatting away on iGoogle...

March 02, 2009
I'm a creature of habit. My morning routine consists of going to my desk with coffee mug in hand and checking my email, reading the news...
Chatting away on iGoogle... Chatting away on iGoogle... Reviewed by MCH on March 02, 2009 Rating: 5

Share the iGoogle love

February 10, 2009
Since we launched iGoogle two years ago, we've received some fascinating stories from users telling us about interesting ways they'r...
Share the iGoogle love Share the iGoogle love Reviewed by MCH on February 10, 2009 Rating: 5
Making your personalized homepage even more personal Making your personalized homepage even more personal Reviewed by MCH on January 15, 2009 Rating: 5

My Maps are Our Maps

December 21, 2007
Posted by Joscelin Cooper, Google Blog team The tools used for navigation and exploration are fraught with metaphorical possibility. A compa...
My Maps are Our Maps My Maps are Our Maps Reviewed by MCH on December 21, 2007 Rating: 5
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