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Results for mobile
Google Now on your iPhone and iPad, with the Google Search app Google Now on your iPhone and iPad, with the Google Search app Reviewed by MCH on April 29, 2013 Rating: 5
Google’s most advanced voice search has arrived on iOS Google’s most advanced voice search has arrived on iOS Reviewed by MCH on October 30, 2012 Rating: 5
Gmail app for iOS available in the App Store (again) Gmail app for iOS available in the App Store (again) Reviewed by MCH on November 16, 2011 Rating: 5
Introducing the Gmail app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Introducing the Gmail app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Reviewed by MCH on November 02, 2011 Rating: 5
Introducing multiple sign-in and preferences on Gmail for mobile Introducing multiple sign-in and preferences on Gmail for mobile Reviewed by MCH on September 21, 2011 Rating: 5
Catch the London Underground with Google Maps Catch the London Underground with Google Maps Reviewed by MCH on July 28, 2011 Rating: 5
Google Offers beta launching in New York City and the Bay Area Google Offers beta launching in New York City and the Bay Area Reviewed by MCH on July 12, 2011 Rating: 5
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